Nordisk Kongres i Synspædagogik 2025
Datum: 10/9, t.o.m. 12/9
(Siden bliver løbende opdateret / The site is continuously updated)
Wednesday September 10th
11.00 Registration opens
11.30 Lunch & mingling in the exhibition
12.45 to 13.15 Opening of NKS2025 in Parksalen
13.15 to 14.15 Keynote 1 in Parksalen: Gagan Chhabra: Combating ableism and fostering social resilience: Perspectives of blind youth.
14.30 to 15.30 Exhibitors presentations in Parksalen
15.30 to 16.15 Coffee break & mingling in the exhibition
16.15 to 17.15 Keynote 2 in Parksalen: Fredrik Mydske Nilsen, Kine Saga & Tonje Gurholt Elvenes: Moflata School – How have we built our capacity from scratch to where we are today
17.15 to 18.00 Break – check-in to hotel room
18.00 to 19.00 Mingling in the exhibition
19.00 Dinner
Thursday September 11th
06.00 to 08.30 Breakfast
08.30 to 09.30 Keynote 3 in Parksalen: TBA
09.30 to 09.45 Find your workshop
09.45 to 10.30 Workshops 1
10.30 to 11.00 Coffee break & mingling in the exhibition
11.00 to 12.00 Keynote 4 in Parksalen: Marianne Bang Hansen: Visual impairment and mental health – research and clinical experience
12.00 to 13.00 Lunch & mingling in the exhibition
13.00 to 14.00 Keynote 5 in Parksalen: Randi Elisabeth Hagen: Education for all? The reality of blind students in higher education
14.00 to 14.05 Short break
14.05 to 15.05 Keynote 6 in Parksalen: Rasmus Paasch: AI and Vision: Navigating New Territory
15.05 to 15.45 Coffee break & mingling in the exhibition
15.45 to 16.30 Workshops 2
16.45 to 18.00 TeachMeet in Parksalen (optional)
19.30 Welcome drinks in Balustraden
20.00 Gala dinner in Bankettsalen
Friday September 12th
06.30 to 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 to 09.45 Workshop 3
09.45 to 10.00 Find your workshop
10.00 to 10.45 Workshop 4
10.45 to 11.15 Coffee break & mingling in the exhibition
11.15 to 12.15 Keynote 7 in Parksalen: Øyvind Blindheim: Coping life with severe illness in family
12.15 to 12.30 Closing of NKS2025
12.30 Lunch to go & departure